KEYWORDS - Queen of Pentacles

Self-Sufficient. Resourceful. Earth Mother. Fertility. Generous. Gratitude. The Ability to Make Things Happen and Manage the Resources you Have. Material Security, Wealth.

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles represents a person in your life, whether it be yourself or someone else, and embodies certain characteristics. She understands her worth and possesses prosperity, maturity, and stability. Regardless of her material possessions, she is confident in herself, has all she needs, and can take care of herself. This moment allows you to appreciate the many blessings you have received, regardless of how others perceive them as riches. The Queen is holding the Pentacle in her lap, showing how she fully embraces the coin. It’s more intimate than in some of the other cards of the suit. We also see the vines around her revealing her connection with nature. The pentacles symbolize money, and the Queen of Pentacles symbolizes a quiet confidence in one's ability to make or acquire what is necessary due to self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. Additionally, the Queen of Pentacles symbolizes fertility and sensuality in various forms for both genders, highlighting the importance of embracing one's feminine side and personal power. Everything you could ever need awaits within this realm.

Queen of Pentacles Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Queen of Pentacles suggests a disconnect within your inner power, a lack in confidence in your ability to be self sufficient or being controlled by people or situations that make it harder to express yourself. This can lead to feeling over burdened or having too much responsibility without the benefits or a failure to appreciate what you have to be grateful for.

KEYWORDS - Queen of Cups

Knowing what you Want. The Confidence to Follow your Heart. Intuitive. Psychic. Loving. A Sensitive Caring Empathetic Nurturing Mother Figure. The Feminine Power Within.

Queen of Cups

Similar to the other court cards, this particular one can represent either a person or an emotion. The Queen of Cups may symbolize a significant female figure in your life or have some relevance to the topic you are seeking answers for through Tarot. Since Cups represent the heart and emotions, the Queen of Cups could be a woman with a nurturing disposition, emotional availability, wisdom, or intuition. The Queen’s Cup is the only cup that is closed. This illustrates that her thoughts and feelings come from her subconscious mind and the debts of her soul. Additionally, she can also represent a person who is intelligent, all-knowing, and someone you would turn to for advice. Alternatively, this card signifies your own inner feminine power and suggests that rather than seeking these qualities in others, you can find them within yourself. If the Queen of Cups refers to you, regardless of your gender, it indicates that you already possess all the power, wisdom, and knowledge necessary within yourself. It may also indicate potential growth in your intuitive or psychic abilities.

Queen of Cups Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Queen of Cups, can represent an inability to trust your own intuition and instincts or that you feel unloved or nurtured. It can indicate that you are looking to have your needs met externally, without realising that true power comes from within. You might feel suspicious of the intentions of a woman in your life, but it is more likely to represent feeling disconnected from your own power or that you need to nurture yourself more.

KEYWORDS - Queen of Wands

A Mature and Balanced Approach. Confidence. Inner Strength. Self-Assured. Being Able to Trust your Own Judgement. Knowing How to Delegate and What is Required to See Something Through.

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands possesses the essence of a powerful woman, embodying both external figures and internal qualities. Alongside her fellow Queens, she exudes maturity, stability, and a strong sense of self. While the Page of Wands ignites the flame of creativity and the Knight calls for action, the Queen takes a more cantered and balanced approach. As wands represent fire energy in tarot symbolism, it is fitting that our Queen is dressed in red. Red is the color of fire which represents the fire that lies deep within you. You are to call upon this fire to complete this next phase. The Queen of Wands radiates integrity, fully aware of her own strength and capabilities. She trusts her intuition to guide her towards achieving goals by discerning what is necessary and what resources she must tap into. With quiet determination and unwavering confidence, she skilfully brings things into fruition. Now is the time to delve deep within yourself to discover the abundant resources you possess.

Queen of Wands REVERSED

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Queen of Wands can suggest a lack in confidence in your own judgement. In reverse or negatively aspected, this is less a lack of the positive aspects of the Queen of Wands and more a disconnect, with a need to take time to reconnect with your inner truth, intuition and resilience. A crisis of faith.

KEYWORDS - Queen of Swords

Mental Maturity. Honest. Truthful. A Balanced Mind in Terms of Discretion, Fairness and Balance. Making Decisions Sticking to Them. Seeking the Advice of Wise Independent Woman.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords represents three different aspects: an actual woman, personal attributes, and addressing issues related to these qualities. This applies to all the Queens. As the Queens are known for their maturity and equilibrium, and the Swords symbolize the mind, we witness a personification of wisdom, fairness, and balance. Moreover, she is known for her truthfulness and honesty. If you embody these traits, seeking guidance from someone like her would be beneficial when you require reasonable and fair counsel. If this approach is necessary, it's essential to introspect and trust your own judgment. The Queen of Swords reaches her utmost strength when she harmonizes her intuitive and intellectual faculties as this leads to genuine insight. It's only after facing certain challenges that you may fully comprehend the wisdom within yourself or your capacity to make sensible and balanced decisions.

Queen of Swords Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Queen of Swords could suggest that the fine balance between intuition and intellect has been disturbed. If there is indecision look at where you are being over analytical or where you are making assumptions. This card is all about balance and that includes balancing the intuitive and intellectual mind. Reversed, the Queen of Swords could become too cold and aloof.