KEYWORDS - Six of Pentacles

A Reversal of Fortune for the Better. Help to Overcome a Financial Obstacle. The End of a Period of Financial Anxiety. An Act of Generosity. Helping Hand, Prosperity. Change for the Better.

Six of Pentacles

The Five and Six of Pentacles are intricately linked. While the Five of Pentacles signifies a period of financial crisis, the Six of Pentacles indicates that there will be a breakthrough on the other side. This card suggests that assistance is within reach, either from a generous benefactor or as a result of successfully overcoming an obstacle. In the card we see the one cat helping the other. He is freely sharing his fish. The Six of Pentacles represents both giving and receiving, with an emphasis on gratitude for the support received. It reminds us to be grateful for the times others have shown us love. The card symbolizes prosperity and an increase in financial abundance, but only after undergoing some form of testing to cultivate a deeper appreciation for one's blessings. This heightened awareness leads to greater happiness and manifestation abilities, inspiring individuals to pay it forward and help others in need, thereby generating positive karma.

Six of Pentacles Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Six of Pentacles could indicate that you have failed to make changes when faced with a financial challenge or are stuck, repeating the same mistakes. You could be stuck in old habits, financial or otherwise and can’t move through a time of crisis to the change that is possible on the other side or that you are not paying it forward.

KEYWORDS - Six of Cups

Sunshine after the Rain. A Sense of Serenity. Acceptance. Nostalgia but not with Regret. Innocence. Memories. Appreciating in Hindsight what you didn’t at the Time.

Six of Cups

This is the "sunshine after the storm" card, or the feeling that everything will look better in the morning once it has had a chance to rest. Following the gloom brought on by the Five of Cups, this card represents the moment when one finally emerges into the light at the other end of the tunnel. You have made it to this point feeling optimistic, revitalized, and empowered, but this is only possible due to everything that you have been through and the fact that you survived. You have experienced hardship, grief, suffering, and loss, and as a result, you are now prepared to accept life on the other side of these experiences. The Six of Cups exudes a serene and composed energy, not because you have avoided life's challenges, but because you have confronted them head-on and emerged victorious. Trivial matters no longer hold your interest as you focus on what truly matters. This card also signifies a yearning to reconnect with the past, to revisit forgotten memories or neglected relationships that were overshadowed by the struggles of life. It evokes a nostalgic sentiment akin to returning to one's childhood home.

Six of Cups Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Six of Cups, this could have you looking back on the past through rose coloured glasses, believing that life was better and simpler in the ‘good old days’. It can also represent getting stuck in the past, unable to move on.

KEYWORDS - Six of Wands

The Other Side of the Crisis Point the Five of Wands Brings us to. Exciting Change. New Opportunities. Things Start to Move Again. Triumph over Adversity. Recognition. Victory. Success. Good News.

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands symbolizes a transformative moment when we can reflect on past hardships and gain a fresh perspective. Despite the numerous challenges, efforts, fears, and anxieties we faced, it is through overcoming these trials and tribulations that we experience true triumph. The exhilaration of this victory would never be as satisfying if we had an easy journey. Without any obstacles or challenges to face, we would never truly understand the euphoria represented by the Six of Wands. It is in this moment that we raise our paws in the air and proudly proclaim our accomplishment. Great news! Victory and success have finally arrived. The challenges you have encountered, the demons you have confronted, and the obstacles you have overcome are now your well-deserved badges of honour. With renewed energy and self-belief, you are prepared to embrace the forthcoming changes and revel in your victorious lap. Others may shower you with praise, recognition, fame, or acclaim.

Six of Wands REVERSED

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Six of Wands, is the tragedy of not getting to this point. It might mean that you have to go back to the lessons of the Five of Wands, where you are forced to face inner demons, your fears and especially a fear of change. This is the victory on the other side of a crisis and if you took shortcuts you might have to go back and repeat the previous steps.

KEYWORDS - Six of Swords

Transition. Relocation. Forward Movement. Moving Away from Difficulties or a Bad Situation. Moving Towards Opportunities or Success. Calm after the Storm. Hardship ahs been Overcome. Progress.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords is the epitome of optimism among all the numbered Swords. It evokes thoughts of change, freedom, and progress. Right now, you are experiencing a sense of relief because you have reached a point of no return that was required in the Five of Swords. This forced you to accept a certain circumstance. The storm has passed, and tranquillity has settled in its place. The sailboat emerges in the backdrop, its sails soaring high and capturing the breeze to propel it forward. As you have been drifting aimlessly, you have finally arrived at a point where the sailboat beckons. This signifies your readiness to advance after enduring a period of stagnation or grappling with challenging decisions. You are regaining momentum, feeling revitalized, and prepared to advance with your plans. This signifies growth and expansion, signs of achievement, and most importantly, progress. It could signify an actual relocation or simply realizing that you are no longer trapped in a mental rut. It could mean that you are swiftly approaching opportunities, freeing yourself from challenging circumstances, or perceiving life through a fresh and more positive lens.

Six of Swords Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Sword of Six could indicate that instead of the release and movement found in the upright position, things are instead delayed or stuck. Whether you are stuck in a mental rut, external conditions don’t allow for movement or the timing isn’t right, something is delaying things. It could be a matter of waiting for the right tides.