KEYWORDS - Seven of Pentacles

Faced with a Choice. Bird in your Hand or the Two in the Bush? Turning Point. Fork in the Road, Especially on the Job or Financial Front. Patience, Planning Hard Work, Delayed Success.

Seven of Pentacles

While the Five cards often serve as catalysts for uncomfortable changes in our lives, the Sevens represent significant turning points that offer a more controlled transition. The Five cards may indicate a need for job changes or financial re-evaluation, while the Sevens signal a natural fork in the road where you have reached a state of readiness and empowerment. Here we see the pentacles in the middle of his gathering in of the crops. They are green with new growth ready for harvest. He shall begin to reap what he has sewn. Amongst these Sevens, the Seven of Pentacles stands out with its unwavering energy and consistent influence. It signifies that you have achieved considerable progress but now face an important decision – whether to rest on your laurels or seek fresh opportunities. You are finally in charge of your destiny; however, it is crucial to carefully consider all available options before taking action. This is a time for meticulous preparation, unwavering determination, and dedicated effort towards your goals.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Seven of Pentacles could indicate that something is stuck. The Seven in all suits are about change or a turning point and reversed, the opposite of change is being stuck, unable to move because either the conditions aren’t right or you are paralysed by indecision. If that is the case wait, be patient and don’t be too proud to ask for help.

KEYWORDS - Seven of Cups

A Fork in the Road. Should you Follow your Head or your Heart? Choices. Opportunities. Use your Imagination. Illusion. Wishful Thinking. Lots of Options. Escaping from the Real World.

Seven of Cups

When the Seven of Cups appears in a reading, it signals a critical moment where we must make a choice between multiple paths. This decision is not forced upon us by external circumstances, but rather stems from our own need to take action. The card represents a stage in which we feel pulled in different directions, whether it be in relationships, careers, or any other situation with viable options. The skull on last option of victory reminds us not to win the world just to lose your soul. It portrays the dilemma of being torn between various cups, symbolizing the conflict within us. However, it does not provide guidance on which option to choose. On the contrary, it highlights the abundance of alternatives and possibilities available to us. In essence, this card suggests that we are faced with numerous potential outcomes and must make a decision. There are several possible courses of action. It's also possible that this is an indication of wishful thinking, illusion, or imagination.

Seven of Cups Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Seven of Cups, this could indicate that we are failing to see the advantages or that by having a choice means that we have options. The negative implications here could be feeling paralysed by indecision or thinking that we have no options.

KEYWORDS - Seven of Wands

Challenges, Competition. No time to Rest. The Body is Weak, but the Spirit is Willing. Do not Give up. Stand your Ground. Protect defend Yourself. Do you have the Energy to Go another Round?

Seven of Wands

Following the success of the Six of Wands, it becomes evident that there are more challenges to overcome, more obstacles to conquer, and that the path towards victory still stretches ahead for miles. After celebrating your triumph, it is now time to face the challenges head-on once again. Although there may be some hesitation when confronted with the Seven of Wands, an internal uncertainty about whether you have the strength and resources to persevere, you discover a renewed determination from within. You gather all your resources and find a second wind, ready to step back into the arena. No matter what you are up against or what goal you are pursuing, it becomes deeply personal. You refuse to be defeated; you are prepared to fight for your beliefs. With integrity, resilience, and unwavering determination, you will emerge victorious. The world may seem against you – be it a situation or other individuals – but internally there is a resounding declaration: tough times may not endure but tough individuals do, and I am resilient.

Seven of Wands REVERSED

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Seven of Wands, could be a literal reversal of its upright meaning in that challenges don’t materialise, help is at hand and things naturally fall into place. It also could mean that the challenges are more extreme but there is still a need to find your inner strength.

KEYWORDS - Seven of Swords

Secrecy. Something Hidden that Needs to be Revealed. Dig a Little Deeper. Betrayal and Dishonesty. Lies. Deception. Not Everything is What is Seems. Not Everything is Obvious.

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is a card that signifies deception, dishonesty, and sneakiness. It suggests that someone is intentionally being underhanded or secretive, possibly even lying. However, it is more likely that the information is being hidden for reasons that are not necessarily malicious. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct further research, delve deeper into the matter, or wait for more information before making any decisions. When the Seven of Swords appears in a spread, it indicates a lack of complete knowledge or deceptive appearances. If you are considering making a purchase, it is important to have it thoroughly inspected and conduct additional research rather than relying solely on surface-level information. Take the time to explore further as there may be something concealed that needs to be uncovered before proceeding.

Seven of Swords Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Seven of Swords often means the opposite of its meaning in an upright position. In that case, this can indicate that you can trust what you are seeing with your own eyes or what someone is telling you. This could also indicate that where you have misjudged or unintentionally misled someone in the past, you can right that wrong or set the record straight.